Our EU projects
The Cold Flow Turbine Test Facility “Polonia Aero” is involved in several national and international projects. Here the most important:
EU Projects
INNOLOT Coopernik
Cooperative Research for Next Generation High Efficiency LP Turbine

Operational Programme Innovative Economy
Operational Programme Innovative Economy, Priority Axis 2 – R&D infrastructure

The Cold Flow Turbine Test Facility was financed within the framework of the Operational Programme Innovative Economy initiated by representatives of Polish Science (Warsaw University of Technology and Military University of Technology) and the aeronautical industry - Avio Aero and Military Aircraft Works No. 2 SA. The initiators of the project are, on the one hand, some of the most well-known Polish specialists in the field of turbine research from Warsaw University of Technology and Military University of Technology and, on the other hand, industrial partners including Avio Aero and Military Aircraft Works No. 2 SA (Wojskowe Zaklady Lotnicze Nr 2 S.A.) in Warsaw, who established a scientific-industrial consortium in 2008, the Aircraft Propulsion Research Laboratory - "Polonia Aero" (Laboratorium Badań Napędów Lotniczych).
The aim of the consortium was to build a network of laboratories, resulting in a synergy effect, to conduct advanced research in the field of turbine flow aerodynamics, with each project fully functional and independent.
The advantage of the project is the great support it gives to industrial R&D; it is not only attractive for scientific reasons but also for the development of industrial technologies.
Total cost: 188,790,177.27 PLN
European Regional Development Fund financing: 160,386,650.68 PLN
Polish State Budget financing: 28,303, 526.59 PLN